Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Proposal Writing: Attractiveness Counts

Proposal Writing should focus on three views of proposal attractiveness.

A proposal gains attractiveness when reading and reviewing it does not conjure up images of "War and Peace."

It means the proposal uses the proper mix of graphics, fonts, photos, headers, bullets, and paragraphs that immediately proves to the clients that your proposal will be pleasing to the eye and not a burden on their brain.

Attractive also means the readers will be drawn into the proposal because ii addresses their stated wants, needs, desires, goals, budgets and timetables. Your clients will be attracted to the proposal because it is not easily-recognizable, boilerplate content but rather information that specifically fits their situations.

The third view of attractiveness is that your proposal appeals to your clients emotionally and logically.

It appeals to their emotions because they appreciate something created to solve their problem, fix their pain, or vault them into a productive, prominent, and profitable position.

It appeals to their logic because they recognize the value your solution delivers to them. Your solution may not be the lowest price but the value your solution brings far exceeds any cost considerations.

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