Monday, September 29, 2008

Proposal Writing: Clear Secrets To Clear Proposals

Let's be clear on being clear in your proposals.

You need to be clear on five points.

1. Clear Understanding

Your proposal must clearly show that you know, understand, and can address the clients' needs. The solution you propose should leave no doubt in your clients' minds that you have their best interests in mind. The proposal should clearly show that you understand their situation, their budgets, and their expectations.

And, clearly, you understand the project, the goals, and their timetable for achievement.

2. Clear Solution

You have to provide a clear solution to their problem. And, you can explain clearly what the client's world will look like after accepting your proposal.

3. Clear Justification

Third, the client needs to become completely clear on why your product or service stands out as the most logical choice.

4. Clear Reliability

If you are responding to an RFP, you need to clearly display your ability to respond to the clients' preferred way of doing business.

You do this by following the directions and format of the RFP completely and correctly.

If you can't follow their directions in the RFP, how can you be trusted to provide the correct products or services?

5. Clear Writing

The language, words, and tone of your document must be clear.

For example, compare the two following sentences and decide which one would be more appropriate in your proposal.

The contract stipulates exacting specifications for the installation of eight vertical access devices.

The contract calls for the installation of eight elevators.

If you selected the first example, go directly to jail; do not pass "GO;" do not collect $200.00.

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